26 May 2008

Jork Viking Market

Last Saturday, Schatz and I went to visit the Viking Market in Jork.

No, not York in the UK but Jork. In Northern Germany, just opposite Hamburg on the other bank of the river Elbe.

The market didn't look that big and I don't think they actually had the 250 re-enactors their poster advertised but it was relaxed, spacious to cope with the visitors, and the weather was excellent - in contrast with the last two years. We were able to say hello to - and hug - many friends there, traders, artisans, camp dwellers, warriors. Some had come from as far as Belgium or Sweden.

We did enjoy the fight show - more about that later. One thing we didn't enjoy that much were the myriad of semi-authentically dressed people at the market. I mean, anyone (at least I do hope so) knows that Gothic does not equal Viking and neither do Pirates of the Caribbean or Elf-shaped Larp ears. But what about these two?

Mr. and Mrs. Wutwolf (with the big thingies in front)

Actually, they were quite happy to pose for me...

Guess this makes for a new section in the Ithrottir. Apart from "Heard in..." we should also have "Seen in...". Well, these two definitely are my first choice.

1 comment:

Marion said...

Thanx for your comment on my Blog and the B-day wishes. Mine is actually tomorrow :)

This MUD you gave the url from is dangerous. I use to be in MUDs a lot in the early 90ties.. Dangerous link, so dangerous. I had a peek and clicked it away very quickly :D

If I do fall into it, at least I can blame you and Thorsten *lol*