25 May 2008

Ithrottir and Xyllomer - odd!

Admittedly, Xyllomer is odder than Ithrottir but both reflect significant parts of my life.

Ithrottir is the quarterly Viking Age magazine which Kees, Torsten, Rona and I publish. It is written for, and by, Early Medieval re-enactors, providing background information, news on archaeological finds and digs, an extensive agenda of Early Medieval markets and exhibitions, reports on shows and markets, museums, books, as well as how-to's, i.e. instructions ranging from the making of fine files to needlebinding your own socks.

Xyllomer is an English language text-based Multi User Dungeon where for the past 18 years or so, people from around the world have gathered to play a net-based adventure game. Various races populate the world, professional and religious guilds strive for dominance, and sometimes the gods do what they do best - create havoc.
The MUD is programmed by volunteers, playing is free-of-charge. So if you read books rather than watch tv, if you like to interact rather than slay, if you are willing to invest time to get to know the system and are not afraid of a rather small playerbase at present, this is the place to be.
I used to play extensively from 1996 to about 2001, then took a break. Only to return with a vengeance in late 2006. At least when I'm not too busy with RL (real life) but even then, being a hero and adventurer can soothe your mind in the face of life's adversities, and it sure beats playing some game on your own!

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